Monte-Carlo event generators have been widely used to simulate the processes in high-energy physics. Parton shower plays a central role in Monte-Carlo event generators which provides a reliable tool to perform the leading logarithms resummation. Precision prediction from parton shower requires more theory developments such as proof of NLL resummation and NLO shower framework. Beyond the resummation region, matching or merging with fixed-order calculations can improve the description of hard radiation. This talk will be aiming to give a comprehensive review of parton showers and matching/merging techniques.
Haitao Li, obtained his PhD from Peking University in 2015. From 2015 to 2021 Haitao Li worked as a Postdoc fellow at Monash University, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Northwestern University/Argonne National Laboratory. From 2021, he started to work as a Faculty member in Shandong University. Haitao's research focuses in High order QCD corrections to the processes at hadron colliders including parton showering in Monte Carlo Event Generators.
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