[2025-01-18] For better promotion of the events, the categories in this system will be adjusted. For details, please refer to the announcement of this system. The link is https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/news/1-warm-reminder-on-adjusting-indico-tdli-categories-indico

26 June 2023 to 2 July 2023
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The INPAC Summer School aims to promote interest in theoretical particle physics among Chinese students and young researchers and to introduce them to the research frontiers.

Scattering amplitudes lies at the heart of quantum field theory, from which derive novel ideas to address the key problems raised by collider physics discoveries.

The 2023 edition of the INPAC Summer School will focus on the Amplitudes and its applications.  Experts are brought together to provide both pedagogical introductions and overview of new theoretical developments.  Lectures will cover the fundamentals of amplitudes and perturbative QCD, touching upon advanced topics such as: CHY, double copy and geometric structures in amplitudes, EFT amplitudes, conformal field theory and OPE .

The School this year comprises five in-depth lecture series,  a similar number of tutorials and free discussions. Our five lecturers and their subjects will be:

何颂  (中科院理论所)  --- Introduction to math & physics of scattering amplitudes

Johannes Henn  (MPI Physics) --- Modern methods for scattering amplitudes

马滟青 (北京大学) --- Novel methods in Feynman loop integrals

杨刚 (中科院理论所) --- Introduction to Form Factors

朱华星 (浙江大学) --- Use of conformal symmetry in collider physics

The school is held in person from 26 June to 2 July at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.  PhD students, postdocs and young faculties are encouraged to register. 

The lectures have been recorded. Videos are available for download at https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/uzH4gtDkSaH  

Local Organizers: 高俊, 何红建, 王伟, 颜开

Shanghai Jiao Tong University 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240
Go to map


外校学生住宿安排: 上海交通大学闵行校区学术活动中心 上海市闵行区东川路800号交通大学校区内(近思源门),邮编 200240。 学生住宿费用:两人一间标准间,房费(含早餐)240元/人/天。
