The reconstruction of charged particles’ trajectories is the most crucial, yet most complex and CPU-consuming chain of event processing in particle and nuclear physics experiments. The precision of track reconstruction has direct and significant impact on physics precision. Meanwhile, the overwhelming pileup background and data rate arising from much increased luminosity at future particle physics colliders impose great challenge on the precision, efficiency and speed of track reconstruction. Therefore, A Common Tracking Software (ACTS) project aims to provide an open-source highly-performant and maintainable experiment-independent tracking software for current and future particle and nuclear physics experiments. Due to its excellent design and promising performance, it has already been used for track reconstruction by a couple of particle and nuclear physics experiments. In this talk, I will introduce the ACTS project highlighting its application for a few particle and nuclear physics programs, including the future particle physics collider programs in China.
Xiaocong Ai, professor of Zhengzhou University, School of Physics. She obtained her doctoral degree in Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Energy Physics in 2016. During her Ph.D, she was focusing on the physics analysis about hadron spectroscopy at BESIII. She was a postdoctoral reseacher in DESY, UC Berkeley and LBNL from 2016 to 2022, performing studies mainly about triboson measurements at ATLAS, Phase-II Silicon Strip Detector Upgrade, development of performant common tracking software ACTS and studies of GPU-accelerated tracking. Currently, her research is focusing on physics analysis at ATLAS and BESIII,development of performant common tracking software, and application of machine learning and GPU in particle physics experiments.
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