We discuss the catalysis of the primordial black holes(PBH) on the first-order electroweak phase transition(FOEWPT). We accurately studied the nucleation rate for bubbles around the PBH by solving the Einstein and bounce equations rather than applying the thin-wall approximation. We found the ordinary thin-wall approximation will overestimate the nucleation rate. For the first time, we showed how the PBH altered the parameters space of new physics. We use the concrete model: the triplet extension of the standard model($\Sigma{\rm SM}$) to demonstrate this effect and found the PBH with suitable mass $M_{PBH}<10^{11}g$ will nearly double the viable parameter space for the two-step FOEWPT in $\Sigma{\rm SM}$. Those PBHs will also induce a supercooling FOEWPT in the new extended parameter regions and generate an observable stochastic gravitational wave signal without changing the observational signal for ordinary parameters space.