Gauge coupling unification in the Supersymmetric Standard Models strongly implies the Grand Unified Theories (GUTs). With the grand desert hypothesis, we show that the supersymmetric GUTs can be probed at the future proton-proton (pp) colliders and Hyper-Kamiokande experiment. For the GUTs with the GUT scale M_{GUT} smaller than 10^{16} GeV, we can probe the dimension-six proton decay via heavy gauge boson exchange at the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment. Moreover, for the GUTs with M_{GUT} larger than 10^{16} GeV, we for the first time study the upper bounds on the gaugino and sfermion masses. We show that the GUTs with anomaly and gauge mediated supersymmetry breakings are well within the reaches of the future 100 TeV pp colliders such as the FCChh and SppC, and the supersymmetric GUTs with gravity mediated supersymmetry breaking can be probed at the future 160 TeV pp collider.
Tianjun Li,Researcher, the Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
July 1987, B.S. degree in Physics, Wuhan University
July 1991, M.S. degree in particle physics, ITP, CAS
August 2000, Ph. D. degree in particle physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
September 2000-August 2002, Postdoc Research Associate,University of Pennsylvania
September 2002-August 2005, Member,Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
October 2005-Present, Researcher, ITP, CAS