Bosons' scattering and Interactions contain many interesting topics to be explored and are only feasible at the powerful Large Hadron Collider and beyond. In this talk, I will introduce several recent results from PKU CMS group, including discovery of W/Z and photon scattering, probe of anomalous gauge boson coupling and effective field theory, first measurement on polarized vector boson scattering, and search for three W boson resonance for the first time at the LHC. Finally, I will introduce a bit about the picture of an electron-muon collider, which can be viewed as a vector boson scattering collider.
Qiang Li. Researcher, tenured associate professor at the School of Physics, Peking University. Deputy head of technical physics department of PKU. CMS Monte-Carlo and Generator Group Level-2 convener during 2018.6-2020.8; CMS Offline and Computing Leve-2 convener on CMSSW release manager from 2020.09.
Zoom: https://zoom.com.cn/j/64489116937(id: 64489116937,密码:123456)