The sPHENIX detector at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) will enable a broad range of high-precision heavy flavor (HF) probes of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). sPHENIX is scheduled to start the operation in 2023. A fast MAPS-based silicon vertex detector (MVTX) and precision electromagnetic calorimeter are being constructed to greatly enhance the HF capabilities of sPHENIX. sPHENIX will provide precision bottom and charm measurements over a broad momentum range and a wide selection of final states including quarkonia. These new observables at RHIC will offer quantitative access to the initial electromagnetic field, characterize QGP transport properties, parton energy loss mechanisms, and enable a detailed understanding of heavy quark hadronization. Prospects for the heavy flavor measurements at sPHENIX will be presented in this talk.
Hideki Okawa is a University Key Position Professor (校聘关键岗位教授) at Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University since 2019. He has obtained his bachelor and PhD from the University of Tokyo in 2004 and 2010, respectively. He was a postdoctoral fellow at University of California, Irvine and Brookhaven National Laboratory. He joined University of Tsukuba as an International Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (a distinguished assistant professorship) in 2014 and became a Tenured Assistant Professor in 2018. His research interest ranges widely from the QGP, QCD, Higgs, Top quark, Physics beyond the Standard Model, as well as deep learning application. He was previously on ATLAS, and is currently involved in sPHENIX, CMS and CEPC. He is a co-convenor of the Heavy Flavor Topical Group in sPHENIX.