Ordered alphabetically, and continuously updating
Sundy Aranusalam(TDLI) “Electroweak monopoles and the electroweak phase transition”
Ligong Bian(Chongqing U) “Probing the Electroweak Sphaleron with Gravitational Waves”
Andrew Fowlie(Nanjing Normal U.)TBD
Kohei Fujikura(Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology Theoretical Cosmology Group) “Phase transition in Twin Higgs Models”
Archil Kobakhidze(Sydney U.) “Scale-invariant paradigm for particle physics and cosmology”
Haolin Li(ITP Beijing) “Probing the EW phase transition with resonant di-Higgs production”
Antonino Marciano(Fudan U.)“Gravitational footprints of massive neutrinos and lepton number breaking”
Lauri Niemi(Helsinki U) “Nonperturbative thermodynamics of multi-Higgs models”
Tuomas Tenkanen(U. Bern) “Strong electroweak phase transition and new infrared physics”
Jiang-Hao Yu(ITP Beijing) “Shape of Higgs potential at the future colliders”