Transverse-Momentum-Dependent Wave Functions of Pion from Lattice QCD

16 Nov 2023, 15:20
Function Room 9 光大9号厅 (2nd Floor 光大二楼)

Function Room 9 光大9号厅

2nd Floor 光大二楼


Mr Minhuan Chu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


We present a first lattice QCD calculation of the transverse-momentum-dependent wave functions (TMDWFs) of the pion using large-momentum effective theory. Numerical simulations are based on one ensemble with 2+1+1 flavors of highly improved staggered quarks action with lattice spacing a = 0.121 fm from the MILC Collaboration, and one with 2 +1 flavor clover fermions and tree-level Symanzik gauge action generated by the CLS Collaboration with a = 0.098 fm. As a key ingredient, the soft function is first obtained by incorporating the one-loop perturbative contributions and a proper normalization. Based on this and the equal-time quasi-TMDWFs simulated on the lattice, we extract the light-cone TMDWFs. The results are comparable between the two lattice ensembles and a comparison with phenomenological parametrization is made. Our studies provide a first attempt of ab initio calculation of TMDWFs which will eventually lead to crucial theory inputs for making predictions for exclusive processes under QCD factorization.

Primary author

Mr Minhuan Chu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


Presentation materials