Registration Fee
Registration fee will be used to cover the workshop materials, tea breaks, lunch, banquet and other costs.
Registration fee is listed below:
- 2000 RMB for faculties and postdocs
- 1500 RMB for students
Payment Method
The registration fee could be paid by cash or credit card upon arrival or paid online in advance. We strongly recommend you to pay online which will make the invoice making process easier and faster.
The following 2 links are the portals to online payment.
Registration for Faculty and Postdoc
Registration for Student
All payment methods on the page are valid, but we recommend using Alipay or WeChat. If you encounter problems during the payment process, please contact us.
上海交大师生请使用以下链接进行参会登记 Participants from SJTU please use this link for registration:
Registration Form for SJTUers 交大本校师生参会登记
开户行地址: (如:中国银行上海紫薇路支行)
Trade Number :(可在注册页面缴费部分找到缴费完成之后生成的缴费号)