[2025-01-18] For better promotion of the events, the categories in this system will be adjusted. For details, please refer to the announcement of this system. The link is https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/news/1-warm-reminder-on-adjusting-indico-tdli-categories-indico

Speaker Notice (Important)

For speakers

* Thank you for accepting to give talks/posters at CLHCP2023, below are a few points to remind *           
Agenda of the workshop: https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/event/1616/           
0. The working langauge for this workshop is English, which means all presentations shall be given in English by default. Q&A can be mixed between English and Chinese depending on the situation.           
1. Please register in indico asap so that your account will be linked to your talk entry, then you can upload and revise slides;           
2. Please upload your slides to INDICO one day prior to the session (ping the session conveners or LOC if you have account issues);           
3. Please join from a place with stable internet connection (if you join remotely);           
3. Please join your session 15 min in advance, so that audio/video/sharing could be verified;           
3. Please present your talk STRICTLY within the allocated presentation time, which is crucial for a smooth conference. Conveners may cut off your talk if it would go over time;           
4. Plenary sessions will be broadcasted and recorded by default. Please let the organizers know in case you don't want your plenary talks to be recorded;           
5. For posters, please upload to your agenda entry the poster materials (either PPT or PDF format) before end of Tuesday. Poster Committee will check the materials and select a few posters based on the quality and performance to award the best poster awards and annouce in the closing session. All posters will be printed by LOC and set up in the reception session (evening Thursday). 
For audience           
1. For online audience, please remain MUTED and follow conveners' instructions to unmute for asking questions;           
2. For on-site audience, please raise your hands for questions and wait for the microphone before asking.           
For session conveners           
1. Please join the session 15 mins in advance to verify the room and tencent meeting setup, and check with speakers if they can share/talk/hear;           
2. Remind the speakers to upload slides in advance;           
3. Invite online speakers to share their screen, and in case of difficulties, ready to share by yourself or arrange a volunteer at meeting room to share; for on-site speakers, the room shall share;           
4. Please help to guide the session evolving within the given time constriant, e.g. remind and control the presentation time in a strict way.           
5. Help maintain orders at the Q&A part           
For LOC volunteers           
1. Help conveners, speakers resolve technical issues (both on-site and online);           
2. Help share slides and switch slides if needed (at the meeting room);           
3. At the meeting intervals, consider to broadcast LOC outreach video files           
For all           
The experimental plenary talks are 20' long + 5' Q&A, while theory / CEPC plenary talks are 25' long + 5' Q&A           
The experimental parallel talks are 12' long + 3' Q&A, while theory / CEPC parallel talks are 15' long + 5' Q&A