24–27 May 2024
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Fluorescent Indicators for Barium Tagging in Double Beta Decay Reactions of Xe-136

25 May 2024, 14:30
N4F-N400 (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)


Tsung-Dao Lee Institute

NO.520 Shengrong Road, Shanghai, 201210, China


Fernando P. Cossío (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU))


In this communication, recent advances on the design, development and experimental validation of fluorescent indicators for barium tagging in double beta decay reactions of Xe-136 to yield one Ba(2+)-136 cation plus two electrons will be presented. These developments include mono- and bicolor indicators. The components of the fluorescent sensors include a Barium catcher and a fluorophore, together with a spacer-linker unit to anchor covalently the sensor to a suitable material in order to generate a functionalized surface able to detect Ba2(+) with low background and high selectivity. The photophysics of these sensors in solid-gas (Xe-136) interfaces will be also discussed.

Primary author

Fernando P. Cossío (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU))

Presentation materials