[2025-01-18] For better promotion of the events, the categories in this system will be adjusted. For details, please refer to the announcement of this system. The link is https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/news/1-warm-reminder-on-adjusting-indico-tdli-categories-indico

24–27 May 2024
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Thank you for attending XeSAT2024!


We are excited to host the 7th “International Workshop on Application of Noble Gas Xenon to Science and Technology” (XeSAT2024) will take place from May 24 to 27 2024 at the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute in Shanghai, China. The conference follows a series of successful iterations worldwide and will bring together physicists, chemists, and engineers to discuss the advances in noble gas technology and their applications in various fields.

The conference will have plenary sessions and reserve plenty of time for discussion. We welcome abstract submissions from all relevant sectors and encourage especially junior scientists to participate in the discussions.

XeSAT2024 will be organized by the PandaX group at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The conference venue will be at Tsung-Dao Lee Institute in Pudong District, Shanghai.

May is the perfect time to visit Shanghai. We look forward to hosting you at the exciting conference.


You can see it here.

Registration Fee

The registration fees for non-students/students are RMB 2500/1600 (~300/200 EURO). If payments are finalized before April 30, 2024, an early-bird discount is offered: RMB 2000/1200 (~250/150 EURO) for non-students/students respectively. 

中文版会议证明(Stamped meeting announcement in Chinese)


The conference will involve fields related to the physics and chemistry of noble gas detectors, and their applications in science, medical field, and engineering. Although the previous conferences were mainly focused on xenon detectors, this conference calls for wider fields of detectors. There have been some recent progress and new attempts of detector technology (such as Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD), photon sensors such as SIPM and CMOS and new advances in technology/engineering (such as background reduction and shielding technology), along with large-scale experiments for dark matter and double-beta decay detection.

The main topics will be as follows:

  • Noble gas properties for radiation detection
  • Calorimetric applications to dark matter, double beta decay, and other physics topics
  • Imaging applications in medicine, astrophysics, and nuclear engineering
  • Novel techniques in noble gas detector R&D
  • Gas and liquid handling; industrial supplies
  • Background Reduction and shielding technology


Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
NO.520 Shengrong Road, Shanghai, 201210, China
Go to map
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.