Aug 3 – 5, 2019
Tsung-Dao Lee Library
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Tera Scale在寻找超出标准模型的新物理中有极其重要的意义:1)2012年LHC发现125GeV的希格斯粒子,在此之后,对撞机上对新物理的寻找已经在更高能量展开;2)同样在2012年,中国的大亚湾反应堆中微子实验测到非零的13混合角,从而打开中微子混合中存在CP相角的可能性,为解释正反物质不对称铺平一条新的道路;3)暗物质直接测量在电弱能标日渐接近中微子背景、探测往其他质量窗口扩展,而宇宙线正反电子谱对暗物质的间接测量在TeV能级看到有意思的结构;4)LIGO实验2015年第一次看到引力波,打开了引力波天文学的新时代,可以提供对超出标准模型新物理的新测量途径。这些在在显示出Tera Scale在粒子物理各方向的共同重要性。

Tera Scale is important for searching new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM):

1) After the LHC discovery of a 125GeV Higgs boson in 2012, the collider searches of new physics have already been extended to higher energy.

2) In the same year 2012, the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment first established a nonzero 1-3 mixing, which opens up an exciting window for the leptonic CP phase that is connected to possible explanations of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe.

3) The direct detection of the WIMP dark matter at the weak scale is approaching the neutrino floor and needs to extend to other mass window including the Tera Scale, while the indirect probe with cosmic ray electron/positron spectrum has already seen interesting structures at the Tera Scale.

4) The LIGO discovery of gravitational waves in 2015 has opened a new era of gravitational wave astronomy which can provide powerful probe of various new physics beyond the SM.

All these point to the excitement of the Tera Scale in particle physics.

为促进粒子物理实验和理论同行间的交流,本次mini研讨会将安排粒子物理综述和前沿研究成果报告,为与会的高能物理、天体粒子物理、宇宙学等领域的实验和理论学界同行提供学术讨论和交流的平台。研讨会同时邀请一定数量的特别报告人,包括Chris Hays、Danny Marfatia、Luciano Maiani、Tsutomu Yanagida等。我们诚挚地邀请您参加此次会议。

To stimulate interactions and collaborations among the experimental & theoretical particle physics colleagues, this mini-workshop will arrange overview talks and research talks as the base of further discussions and exchanges across different disciplines of particle physics, astroparticle physics and particle cosmology. This mini-workshop has also invited a number of special speakers including Chris Hays, Danny Marfatia, Luciano Maiani and Tsutomu Yanagida, et al.


Registration fee is 600 CNY for faculty and postdocs, 400 CNY for students, spouse and accompany persons. The fee will be made at the reception upon your arrival (no online payment is provided). The accommodation will be provided by the organizers and paid by the registrants. We cordially invite you to join the workshop and register online before *July 15th* to help us arrange the accommodation and workshop program preparation.


第一天(Aug/3)报到,后面两天(Aug/4-5)为正式会议时间。The first day (Aug/3) is for arrival, and the workshop will be arranged on the following two days (Aug/4-5).


Organization Committee (alphabetically):

Jun Gao, Shao-Feng Ge (co-chair), Jun Guo, Ke Han, Xiao-Gang He, Hong-Jian He (co-chair), Xiangdong Ji, Jianglai Liu, Shu Li (co-chair), Liang Li, Luciano Maiani, Yue Meng, Michael Ramsey-Musolf, Wei Wang, Donglian Xu, Haijun Yang (co-chair), Tsutomu Yanagida, Yong Yang, Ning Zhou


Invited Speakers (alphabetically):

Ligong Bian (边立功,重庆大学)
Yi-Fu Cai (蔡一夫,中国科学技术大学)
Hua-Jie Cheng (程华杰,高能物理研究所)
Gongjun Choi (李政道研究所)
Gui-Jun Ding (丁桂军,中国科学技术大学)
Ran Ding (丁然,北京大学高能物理中心)
Jarah Evslin (兰州近代物理研究所)
Chris Hays(University of Oxford)
Song He (何颂,理论物理研究所)
Hong-Bo Hu (胡红波,高能物理研究所)
Zhaofeng Kang (康召丰,华中科技大学)
Tian-Jun Li (李田军,理论物理研究所)
Zhijun Liang (梁志均,高能物理研究所)
Kun Liu (刘坤,李政道研究所)
Xiang Liu (刘翔,兰州大学)
Bo-Qiang Ma (马伯强,北京大学)
Danny Marfatia(University of Hawaii)
Newton Nath (高能物理研究所)
Hideki Okawa (大川英希,复旦大学)
Shi Pi (皮石,东京大学 Kavli IPMU)
Manqi Ruan (阮曼奇,高能物理研究所)
Emmanuel Saridakis (National Technical University of Athens & Baylor University)
Enrico Schiappacasse (上海交通大学)
Shao-Bo Wang (王少博,上海交通大学)
Wenyu Wang (王雯宇,北京工业大学)
Yu-Sheng Wu (吴雨生,中国科学技术大学)
Rui-Qing Xiao (肖瑞卿,上海交通大学)
Qi-Shu Yan (晏启树,中国科学院大学)
Tsutomu Yanagida (柳田勉,李政道研究所)
Jin Min Yang (杨金民,理论物理研究所)
Li Lin Yang (杨李林,北京大学)
Hang Yin (尹航,华中师范大学)
Qiang Yuan (袁强,紫金山天文台)
Mengchao Zhang (张孟超,暨南大学)
Cen Zhang (张岑,高能物理研究所)
Ning Zhou (周宁,上海交通大学)
Hua Xin Zhu (朱华星,浙江大学)


会务秘书(Workshop Secretary):

杨子 Zi YANG
Tel:150 2667 7730

汪雯 Wen WANG
Tel: 132 6278 0776

贺刚 Gang HE
Tel:180 0164 8002

求芳英 Fangying QIU
Tel: 182 1725 3266


T. D. Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学李政道研究所)
Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (上海交通大学粒子与核物理研究所)
China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (中国高等科学技术中心)
Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University (北京大学高能物理研究中心)
National Science Fundation - China (国家自然科学基金委员会)

Tsung-Dao Lee Library
Tsung-Dao Lee Library/B1-Auditorium - Auditorium