10:20 AM
Understanding AGN UV/Optical Variability through Quasi-periodic Large-scale Magnetic Dynamos
Hongzhe Zhou
(Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
10:45 AM
Satellite black holes around supermassive black hole of active galactic nuclei
Jian-Min Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
11:10 AM
Plasmoid merger and shock wave during the magnetic reconnection on the accretion disk of the Sgr A*
TianLe Zhao
(Guangzhou University)
11:25 AM
3D GRMHD Simulations of Tilted Disks: Magnetically Driven Retrograde Precession
Hongxuan Jiang
(Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai JiaoTong University)
11:40 AM
Modeling the inner part of the jet in M87: Confronting jet morphology with theory
Hai Yang
11:55 AM
Unveiling accretion flows around our galaxy's supermassive black hole
Indu Kalpa Dihingia