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15–16 Apr 2023
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The COMET Experiment at J-PARC

15 Apr 2023, 15:50
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/S5F-S500 - Lecture Hall (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute/S5F-S500 - Lecture Hall

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, NO.520 Shengrong Road, Shanghai, 201210
Oral contribution Searches for rare processes Muon Physics Topic 4


Dr Chen Wu (Osaka University)


The COMET (COherent Muon to Electron Transition) experiment at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) is a cutting-edge high-energy physics experiment that aims to search for the muon-to-electron conversion process, which is a rare phenomenon that would be a clear indication of physics beyond the Standard Model. The COMET experiment utilizes a high-intensity proton beam from the J-PARC accelerator to produce a substantial quantity of muons, thereby enabling it to enhance the existing record sensitivity of muon-to-electron conversion search by a remarkable factor of 10,000. During this presentation, we will provide an introduction to the COMET experiment, its objectives, its experimental configuration, as well as its present progress.

Primary author

Dr Chen Wu (Osaka University)

Presentation materials

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