[2025-01-18] For better promotion of the events, the categories in this system will be adjusted. For details, please refer to the announcement of this system. The link is https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/news/1-warm-reminder-on-adjusting-indico-tdli-categories-indico

Top pair production in association with a W boson at the LHC

Not scheduled



环宇 毕 (北京大学)


This presentation provides a phenomenological analysis of the production of $t\bar{t}W$ and $t\bar{t}Wj$ in the context of the Standard Model at the LHC with a center-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV. The analysis is focused on investigating various aspects of the computation, such as the impact of employing different theoretical modeling approaches, cross section ratio $\sigma_{t\bar{t}W^+}/\sigma_{t\bar{t}W^-}$, and the charge asymmetries.

Primary authors

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