The evolution of the energy spectrum during black hole tidal disruption events (TDEs) is an important approach to studying their physical processes. Many observational sources exhibit a soft X-ray spectrum during the peak of outbursts, which gradually becomes harder over the course of several years. We have developed a model for the coexistence of the disk and corona in an super-Eddington accretion state, explaining the observed radiation of hard X-rays in late-stage TDEs through the inverse Compton scattering of low-energy particles in the corona. In our model, we replace the standard disk in the region dominated by radiation pressure with a slim disk, while the outer region dominated by gas pressure continues to use the standard disk plus strong corona model. As the accretion rate decreases, the corona gradually moves inward, resulting in the observed transition of the X-ray spectrum from soft to hard in TDEs. This behavior is compared with data from sources such as ASASSN-14li, showing good agreement with observations.