[2025-01-18] For better promotion of the events, the categories in this system will be adjusted. For details, please refer to the announcement of this system. The link is https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/news/1-warm-reminder-on-adjusting-indico-tdli-categories-indico

Oct 15 – 18, 2024
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Tentative Program

Tentative Program

(Abstract submission & registration are closed.)


review talk: 25min talk + 5min Q&A

highlight talk: 20min talk +5min Q&A

contributed talk: 12min talk + 3min Q&A


10/15 (Tue)


8:30-8:50 registration

8:50-9:00 opening remark: Dong Lai (Cornell Univ./TDLI)


9:00-9:30 review talk: Re’em Sari (HUJI) Dynamical processes in galactic nuclei

9:30-10:00 review talk: Frank Eisenhauer (MPE) Infrared Observations of the Galactic Center Black Hole

10:00-10:30 review talk: Weimin Yuan (NAOC) The Einstein Probe mission: status and preliminary detection results 


10:30-11:00 coffee break


11:00-11:25 highlight talk: Chichuan Jin (NAOC)   Early Discovery of TDE Candidates by the Einstein Probe Mission

11:25-11:40 contributed talkFulai Guo (SHAO) Sgr A Lobes as a Tidal Disruption Event from the Galactic Center

11:40-11:55 contributed talkRong-Feng Shen (SYSU) The near-pericenter self-intersection of the debris stream in TDEs by a misaligned Kerr black hole


11:55-14:00 Lunch (at the canteen) & poster


14:00-14:25 highlight talk: Matt Nicholl (Queen’s Univ Belfast)   Quasi-periodic X-ray eruptions years after a nearby tidal disruption event

14:25-14:50 highlight talk: Ning Jiang (USTC) Optical and Infrared Hunt for Tidal Disruption Events 

14:50-15:05 contributed talkShifeng Huang (USTC) Unveiling the Cosmic Dance of Repeated Tidal Disruption Event ASASSN-14ko: Insights from Multiwavelength Observations

15:05-15:20 contributed talkZheyu Lin (USTC) AT 2022dbl: A spectroscopically confirmed repeated partial TDE


15:20-15:50 coffee break


15:50-16:15 highlight talk: Iair Arcavi (Tel Aviv Univ) The Double Tidal Disruption Event (online)

16:15-16:40 highlight talk:  Itai Linial (Columbia Univ)  EMRI+TDE=QPE: Star-Disc Interaction and Quasi-Periodic Eruptions

16:40-17:05 highlight talk: Zhen Pan (TDLI) EM counterparts to extreme mass ratio inspirals: quasi-periodic eruptions

17:05-17:20 contributed talkCong Zhou (USTC) Probing orbits of stellar mass objects deep in galactic nuclei with quasi-periodic eruption


18:00-20:00 Welcome Reception (at TDLI)





9:00-9:30 review talk: Kate Alexander (Univ. of Arizona) New Surprises from Radio Observations of TDE Outflows (online)

9:30-9:55 highlight talk: Tatsuya Matsumoto (Kyoto Univ) Late-time radio emission of tidal disruption events 


9:55-10:30 coffee break


10:30-10:55 highlight talk: Xinwu Cao (Zhejiang Univ.) An accretion disk with magnetic outflows triggered by a TDE in CLAGN 1ES 1927+654

10:55-11:20 highlight talk: Yihan Wang (UNLV)  Tidal Disruption Events in AGN 

11:20-11:35 contributed talkXinwen Shu (Anhui Normal Univ.) Detecting and characterizing the X-ray quasi-periodicity from candidate IMBH TDEs

11:35-11:50 contributed talkShiyan Zhong (SWIFAR) Modeling the light curve of rebrightening tidal disruption event


11:50-14:00 Lunch (at the canteen) & poster


14:00-14:30 review talk: Tsvi Piran (Racah)  TDE theory (online) 

14:30-14:55 highlight talk: Qingwen Wu (HUST) The TDE/EMRI/stellar distribution by considering the interaction of stellar objects with AGN disk

14:55-15:20 highlight talk: Xiaoshan Huang (Caltech) Nuclear Transients from Star-Disk Inteactions Near Black Holes


15:20-15:50 coffee break


15:50-16:05  contributed talkDong-Wei Bao (NAOC) Triple Flares of AT 2021aeuk within Five Years from the Active Galaxy SDSS J161259.83+421940.3

16:05-16:20 contributed talkFangyuan Yu (SJTU) Binary Stars Approaching Supermassive Black Holes: Tidal Break-up,Double Stellar Disruptions and Stellar Collision

16:20-16:35  contributed talk: Zhefu Yu (Stanford) An X-ray view of the ambiguous nuclear transient AT2019pev

16:35-16:50 contributed talk: Di Wang (Nanjing Univ.) Origin of TDE and evolution of QPEs in GSN 069

16:50-17:05 contributed talk: Dongyue Li (NAOC) Systematic search and monitoring of X-ray flares from galactic nuclei by Einstein Probe

17:05-17:20 contributed talk: 威坚 郭 (NAOC) Changing-look AGN in the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument 


17:30Gather in front of the tdli gate and take the bus

17:40Bus departure

18:00-20:00: Conference Banquet at Parkyard Hotel



10/17 (Thu)


9:00-9:25 highlight talk: Jieshuang Wang (MPP) Particle Acceleration and Multi Messengers from Accreting Black Holes

9:25-9:50 highlight talk: Jiaru Li (Northwestern Univ)  Dynamical Formation of BH Binaries in AGN Accretion Disks

9:50-10:15 highlight talk: Huan Yang (Tsinghua Univ)  Probing galactic center with extreme mass-ratio inspirals

10:15-10:30 contributed talk: Luca Visinelli (TDLI) New physics out of the shadow


10:30-11:00 coffee break


11:00-11:25 highlight talk: Doug Lin (UCSC)  Enhanced TDE in post star-burst galaxies 

11:25-11:50 highlight talk: Himorichi Tagawa (SHAO)  Electromagnetic Flares Associated with Compact Object Mergers in Disks of Active Galactic Nuclei

11:50-12:05 contributed talk: Shuying Zhou (Xiamen Univ.) Stellar Black Holes Can “Stretch” Supermassive Black Hole Accretion Disks


12:05-14:00 Lunch (at the canteen) & poster


14:00-14:25 highlight talk: Dong Lai (Cornell Univ./TDLI) Accretion onto Supermassive Black-Hole Binaries

14:25-14:50 highlight talk: Qingjuan Yu (PKU) Supermassive binary black holes and the astrophysical origin of the nHz gravitational-wave background

14:50-15:15  highlight talk: Bin Liu (Zhejiang Univ.) Extreme Resonant Eccentricity Excitation of Stars around Merging Black-Hole Binary

15:15-15:40 highlight talk: Jinyi Shangguan (KIAA)  Probing AGN Inner Structures Near and Far: Insights from Infrared Interferometry (SMBH) 


15:40-16:10 coffee break


16:10-16:35 highlight talk: Youjun Lu (NAOC) gravitational lensing of supermassive binary black holes and their gravitational wave radiation

16:35-16:50 contributed talk:  Shaoming Hu (Shandong Univ.) TDEs and other variable phenomena in galactic nuclei

16:50-17:05 contributed talk: Mingjun Liu  (NAOC) Existence of effectively optically thin accretion flow around black holes

17:05-17:20 contributed talk: Swarnim Shashank (Fudan Univ.) X-ray reflection from slim accretion disks 

17:20-17:45 highlight talk: Kimitake Hayasaki (Chungbuk National Univ) Electromagnetic Signatures from Irradiated Circumbinary Disks in Binary Black Hole Systems (online)




10/18 (Fri)



8:40-9:05 highlight talk: Sean Ressler (CITA) Multi-Scale Wind-Fed Accretion Onto Sagittarius A* (online)

9:05-9:30 highlight talk: Feng Yuan (Fudan Univ.)  Physical processes around a black hole driven by magnetic reconnection

9:30-9:55  highlight talk: Yosuke Mizuno (TDLI) Flares in Sgr A* from GRMHD simulations


9:55-10:20 coffee break


10:20-10:45 highlight talk: Hongzhe Zhou (TDLI) Dynamo processes in accretion disks and applications to AGN variabilities

10:45-11:10 highlight talk: Jianmin Wang (IHEP) Satellite black holes around supermassive black hole of active galactic nuclei

11:10-11:25 contributed talk: TianLe Zhao (Guangzhou Univ.) Plasmoid merger and shock wave during the magnetic reconnection on the accretion disk of the Sgr A*

11:25-11:40 contributed talk: Hongxuan Jiang (TDLI) 3D GRMHD Simulations of Tilted Disks: Magnetically Driven Retrograde Precession

11:40-11:55 contributed talk: Hai Yang (TDLI) Modeling the inner part of the jet in M87: Confronting jet morphology with theory

11:55-12:10 contributed talk: Indu Kalpa Dihingia (TDLI) Unveiling accretion flows around our galaxy's supermassive black hole 


12:10–12:20 Conclusion Remark 




List of Posters

  • We Chen (NAOC), The Evolution of the X-ray Spectra in Tidal Disruption Events
  • Andrea Sacchi (CfA, Harvard), Overlooked supersoft X-ray nuclear transients in the X-ray catalogue
  • Jingbo Sun (SHAO), A repeating partial TDE candidate in an narrow-line seyfert 1 galaxy
  • Sixiang Wen, AT2018fyk: Candidate Tidal Disruption Event by a (Super)Massive Black Hole Binary 
  • Debtroy Das (Fudan Univ.), Testing General Relativity using Binary Black Hole Orbital Frequency Evolution on Time-Frequency plane
  • Yicheng Rui (TDLI),Tianyu: Search for the second solar system and explore the dynamic universe