11–15 Dec 2023
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

A multi-cubic-kilometer neutrino telescope in the Western Pacific Ocean

14 Dec 2023, 13:40
Hall # 9

Hall # 9

Invited/Solicited talk in mini-symposium High-E Missions...


Prof. Donglian Xu (T D Lee Institute)


IceCube's discovery of an extragalactic neutrino flux has marked the beginning of a new era for neutrino astronomy, prompting the development of more sensitive next-gen neutrino telescopes to uncover the source of cosmic rays and explore physics beyond the Standard Model on cosmic scales. Amid global efforts to build advanced observatories, a telescope near Earth's equator provides unique coverage to the entire neutrino sky. This talk discusses a successful pathfinder experiment identifying a promising site in the Western Pacific Ocean (northern South China Sea) and outlines the TRIDENT neutrino telescope's conceptual design, performance, and timelines.

Primary author

Prof. Donglian Xu (T D Lee Institute)

Presentation materials