[2025-01-18] For better promotion of the events, the categories in this system will be adjusted. For details, please refer to the announcement of this system. The link is https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/news/1-warm-reminder-on-adjusting-indico-tdli-categories-indico

11–15 Dec 2023
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

4. Cosmic Explosions

Cosmic Explosions and Electromagnetic Transients: SNe, GRBs, TDEs

Explosive events in the cosmos release immense amount of energies, leading to various observable electromagnetic (EM) transients.  They offer a window into some of the most violent processes in the universe. This mini-symposium will gather experts in both theory and observation, and delve into the intricate phenomena of Supernovae (SNe), Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), Fast Blue Optical Transients (FBOTs), Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs), Quasi-Periodic Eruptions (QPEs) and other similar explosive events. Related topics such as the evolution of massive stars and degenerate binaries,  and the dynamical processes around supermassive black holes, will also be covered. By examining these phenomena, we aim to gain new insights into the inner workings of stars, black holes, and other celestial bodies, and uncover new knowledge about their origins and evolution.

This mini-symposium will include a number of solicited talks, contributed talks and posters. Note that topics related to neutron stars (such as FRBs) will be covered in a different mini-symposium.

The deadlines for abstract submission and registration are the same as the general symposium, and can be found in texasinshanghai.org.

Invited/solicited speakers:  Kate Alexander,  Andrei Beloborodov, Jane Dai,  Thierry Foglizzo, Kunihito Ioka, Hiroki Nagakura, Tsvi Piran, Robert Quimby, Elenora Troja,  Yuhan Yao, Xiaofeng Wang, Eli Waxman, Binbin Zhang.

Conveners:  Dong Lai, Shuai Zha, Bing Zhang


Tentative Oral Program:

Note: 25'=20'+5', 20'=17'+3',  10=8'+2'

Session 1: Dec.11 Monday afternoon (chair: Shuai Zha)

20' Robert Quimby: Superluminous Supernovae [slides]

20' Xiaofeng Wang: Supernova 2023ixf in M101 [slides]

20' Hiroki Nagakura: Numerical modeling of neutrino quantum kinetics in high energy   astrophysical phenomena [slides]

20' Thierry Foglizzo: The impact of rotation and turbulence on the standing accretion shock instability [slides]

10' Ping Chen: A 12.4 day periodicity in a close binary system after a supernova [slides]

10' Chang Liu: Uncovering Double-Detonation Type Ia Supernovae from Sub-Chandrasekhar-Mass White Dwarfs [slides]

Session 2: Dec.13 Wednesday afternoon (Chair: Wenbin Lu)

25' Kate Alexander: Tidal Disruption Events: Unique probes of outflows and accretion in supermassive black holes [slides]

20' Yuhan Yao: Tidal Disruption Events: Probes of Accretion Physics and Black Hole Demographics [slides]

20' Jane Dai: Tidal Disruption Events: Demographics, Accretion and Outflows [slides]

10' Janet Chang: Probing Intermediate-Mass Black Holes with Tidal Disruption Events [slides]

25' Elenora Troja: A holistic view of compact binary mergers: from kilonova to afterglow [slides]

Session 3: Dec.14 Thursday afternoon (Chair: Bing Zhang)

25' Binbin Zhang: New Understandings of Gamma-ray Burst Origins & Mechanisms [slides]

25' Kunihito Ioka: Off-Axis Gamma-Ray Bursts and Electromagnetic Counterparts [slides]

25' Wenbin Lu: Quasi-periodic eruptions from stars in mildly eccentric orbits [slides]

10' Matteo Pais: The velocity distribution of outflows driven by chocked jets in stellar envelopes [slides]

10'  Jinping Zhu: A Unified Progenitor Picture of SLSNe, lGRBs, SNe Ic-BL, and FBOTs [slides]


Yuanchuan Zou: The indications of GRB 221009A TeV emission

Hiromichi Tagawa: Flares from stars crossing active galactic nuclei disks on low-inclination orbits

Xiaoli Huang: Cascade Radiations of 𝑒± from 𝛾𝛾-annihilation process as an extra component of the Early Optical/X-Ray Afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts 

Mengye Wang: An Explanation for Overrepresentation of Tidal Disruption Events in Post-starburst Galaxies 

Jialun Zhang: Interaction of the outflow with the cloud - the late-time radio flares in TDEs

Jia Ren: Jet Structure and Burst Environment of GRB 221009A