Title: GW astrophysics: from LIGO to PTA
Gravitational Wave (GW) astrophysics is a broad topic covering a wide spectrum of GW
frequencies (from kHz to nanoHz), diverse detection strategies (from ground based,
spaceborne detectors to Pulsar Timing Arrays), and various theoretical/computational tools
for waveform generation (from perturbation methods to Numerical Relativity). Since the
first GW detection of a binary black-hole merger event, a unique widow to the nature has
been opened: the fundamental laws of gravity, the astrophysical mechanisms and environments
of compact binary formation, and the physical processes that cannot be probed in other ways.
In combination with traditional EM observations, multi-messenger astronomy has shown
its power in solving long-standing astrophysical problems and is expected to play a growing role in the future. In this mini-symposium, we expect to bring experts and junior researchers
together to discuss all these exciting problems.
1. Compact binary formation (all binaries that are detection targets in different frequency bands )
2. Waveform modeling (waveform of compact binaries of various mass ratios)
3. Multi-messenger astrophysics (GW+EM/neutrinos/cosmic rays)
4. GW detection as a unique probe (to fundamental laws of physics and to long-standing problems in cosmology/astrophysics)
5. Future GW detectors (beyond LVK/LISA/PTA)
Tentative Program:
Oral talks
Dec 11 Afternoon
(17+3) Xian Chen (PKU) Distortion of gravitational-wave signals by astrophysical environments Slides
(17+3) Zhoujian Cao (BNU) Effective-One-Body Numerical-Relativity waveform model for Eccentric spin-precessing binary black hole coalescence
(17+3) Wenbiao Han (SHAO) gravitational waveforms and sciences with binary-extreme-mass-ratio inspirals Slides
(17+3) Andrei Beloborodov Electromagnetic counterparts of neutron star mergers Slides
(8+2) Yubo Su The Observational Signatures of Tertiary-Induced Mergers Slides
(8+2) Jiaru Li BH binary formation in AGN disks: dynamics, hydrodynamics, and GW signatures Slides
Dec 12 Afternoon
(17+3) Daniel Siegel (Greifswald) Neutron star mergers, kilonovae, and the synthesis of heavy elements
(17+3) Xiangdong Li (NJU) On the Formation of Double Neutron Stars in the Milky Way Galaxy Slides
(8+2) Elena Maria Rossi Testing the importance of the AGN channel for stellar binary black hole mergers
(8+2) Yaping Li Black hole mergers and accretion in AGN disks Slides
(8+2) Zhen Pan Probing stellar mass black hole orbits deep in galactic nuclei with quasi-periodic eruptions Slides
Dec 14 Afternoon
(17+3) Huan Yang (Perimeter) Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals: Formation, Dynamics and Astrophysical Applications Slides
(17+3) Zoltan Haiman (Columbia) Electromagnetic emission from merging black hole binaries Slides
(17+3) Hui Li (Los Alamos) 3D dynamics of embedded stellar-mass binary black holes within AGN disks and their feedback effects Slides
(8+2) Jun Zhang Superradiant clouds in binaries
(8+2) Luke Krauth Disappearing thermal X-ray emission as a tell-tale signature of merging massive black hole binaries Slides
(8+2) Kohei Inayoshi Gravitational Waves from Coalescing Black Hole Binaries in Observed Early Quasar Populations Slides
(8+2) Bin Liu Uncovering a hidden black hole binary from secular eccentricity variations of a tertiary star
Dec 15 Morning
(17+3) Johan Samsing (NBI) Probing the Origin of Black Hole Binary Mergers with GW Modulations
(17+3) Xin Liu (UIUC) Future facilities for electromagnetic observations of dual and binary SMBHs Slides
(17+3) Youjun Lu (CAS) Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Wave Events and Their Applications
(17+3) Lijing Shao (PKU) Shape eccentricity and the moment of inertia for rotating neutron stars Slides
(8+2) Siyuan Chen GW Results from the European Pulsar Timing Array Slides
(8+2) Meng-Xiang Lin Testing fundamental physics with PTA and astrometry measurements of stochastic gravitational wave background Slides
Zheng Wu Searching Gravitational-Wave Bursts with Space-Borne Detectors
Yao Fu Detection and characterization of gravitational waves of stellar-mass binary black holes for LISA
Abstract submission:
The deadlines for abstract submission and registration are the same as the general symposium which can be found in texasinshanghai.org .
Mini-symposium Conveners:
Conveners: Zhen Pan, Dong Lai, etc.