[2025-01-18] For better promotion of the events, the categories in this system will be adjusted. For details, please refer to the announcement of this system. The link is https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/news/1-warm-reminder-on-adjusting-indico-tdli-categories-indico

Dec 11 – 15, 2023
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

9. Plasma Astrophysics

Mini-symposium: Plasma astrophysics: From Laboratory to the Cosmos



Plasmas comprise more than 99% of the visible universe, and permeate the solar system, interstellar, and intergalactic environments. Many astrophysical phenomena such as energetic particle generation, high energy radiation at different frequency bands, magnetic field generation, etc. appear to involve important plasma effects. In laboratory, with the development of high-power driver technologies, such as high-power lasers and microwave sources, high energy particle beams, and various fusion plasma devices, plasma can be produced at dramatically different conditions, which may be used to model some astrophysical observations. Following the tradition of the Texas Symposium in Relativistic Astrophysics, this mini-symposium wishes to bring together experts in both high-energy astronomy and high energy density laboratory astrophysics to discuss the exciting new discoveries and opportunities in plasma astrophysics and laboratory astrophysics. It will focus on plasma physics found in extreme conditions in space as well as in laboratories that are relevant to high energy astronomy (cosmic rays, FRBs, GRBs, planetary interiors, etc.). 


The following topics will be covered by the mini-symposium:

  1. Fluid and collisional plasmas (jets, turbulence, dynamos, etc.)
  2. Collisionless plasmas and particle acceleration (shocks, magnetic reconnection, etc.)
  3. Dense plasmas (EOS, warm dense matter, planetary interiors, etc.)
  4. New frontiers (relativistic and QED plasma, ultrahigh magnetic fields, nuclear astrophysics, etc.)

Invited Speakers:

  • Xuening Bai (Tsinghua)
  • Andrei Beloborodov (Columbia U)
  • Frederico Fiuza (SLAC)
  • Quanming Lu (USTC)
  • Alexander Philippov (Maryland U)
  • Brian Reville (MPI)
  • Youichi Sakawa (Osaka U)
  • Hui-Chun Wu (ZJU)
  • Jiayong Zhong (BNU)
  • Muni Zhou (Princeton)



The deadlines for abstract submission and registration are the same as the general symposium, and can be found in texasinshanghai.org


Mini-symposium Conveners:


Longqing Yi (TDLI, SJTU), Zhengming Sheng (SJTU)



Section 1: Tuesday afternoon

(20'+5') Andrei Beloborodov: Fast dissipation of magnetic energy near compact objects slides

(20'+5') Quanming Lu: Upstream plasma waves and downstream magnetc reconnection in reforming quasi-parallel shock slides

(20'+5') Brian Reville: Non-thermal processes in relativistic outflows slides

(20'+5') Youichi Sakawa: High-intensity laser driven collisionless electrostatic shock and ion acceleration in a multicomponent plasma slides


Section 2: Wednesday afternoon

(20'+5') Frederico Fiuza: Energy partition in high Mach number collisionless shocks slides

(20'+5') Jiayong Zhong: Relativistic electron injection acceleration in laser-driven magnetic reconnection plasmas slides

(10'+2') Arno Vanthieghem: Towards a unified picture of energy partition in high Alfvén Mach number collisionless shocks slides

(10'+2') Jens Mahlmann: Electromagnetic fireworks from erupting magnetars slides


Section 3: Friday morning

(20'+5') Muni Zhou: Magnetogenesis in a collisionless plasma: from Weibel instability to turbulent dynamo slides

(20'+5') Xuening Bai: MHD-PIC simulations of the cosmic-ray gyro-resonant instabilities slides

(10'+2') Sara Tomita: Magnetic field amplification driven by a relativistic shock-clump interaction in collisionless plasma systems slides

(10'+2') Zhengming Sheng: Acceleration of plasma ions driven by high-energy lepton plasma flows slides