[2025-01-18] For better promotion of the events, the categories in this system will be adjusted. For details, please refer to the announcement of this system. The link is https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/news/1-warm-reminder-on-adjusting-indico-tdli-categories-indico

11–15 Dec 2023
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Plenary Sessions

Confirmed plenary speakers and tentative topics:

Roy Kerr (Univ. Canterbury): Special talk (online): The Kerr Solution, Black Holes, Quasars and Beyond  video

Kip Thorne (Caltech): Special talk: The First Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics: A Historic Perspective, Sixty Years Later   video

Felix Aharonian (MPIK): Particle acceleration confronts observations slides video

Roger Blandford (Stanford): Summary, discussion, future prospectives slides video

Alessandra Buonanno (AEI): Gravitational waves and GR two-body problems slides video

Matthew Bailes (Swinburne): FRBs slides video

Zhen Cao (IHEP): Lhasso/gamma-rays slides video

Charles Gammie (UIUC): BH accretion/EHT video

Anna Ho (Cornell): GRBs and other cosmic explosions (e.g. FBOTs) video

Henk Hoekstra (Leiden): Observational cosmology (Weak Lensing etc). video

Kejia Lee (PKU): CPTA nanoHz GW result slides video

Jianglai Liu (TDLI/SJTU): Dark matter laboratory search overview slides video

Chung-Pei Ma (Berkeley): SMBH (& Binaries) review slides video

Elias Most (Caltech): NS mergers/simulations video

Anatoly Spitkovsky (Princeton): Plasma astrophysics slides video

Nick Stone (Hebrew U): Dynamics and transients from galactic nuclei video

Stephen Taylor (Vanderbilt):  nanoHZ GW overview and IPTA results slides video

Neil Turok (Edinburgh): Status of cosmology and open problems/new directions slides video

Simon White (MPA): Large/small Scale Structure and Dark Matter slides video


Partial list of confirmed speakers for the mini-symposia (see the individual mini-symposium page for more information):

Kate Alexander (Arizona): EM Transients, TDE radio

Gordon Baym (UIUC); Neclear matter & NS

Andrei Beloborodov (Columbia): Magnetars, plasma

Liang Dai (Berkeley): Dark matter probe & Lensing

Jane Dai (HKU): TDEs

Glennys Farrar (NYU): Ultra-high energy cosmic rays

Frederico Fiuza (SLAC): Laboratory Astro, collisionless shocks etc

Thierry Foglizzo (Saclay): SN Hydrodynamics

Stefan Gillessen (MPE): Galactic center

JinLin Han (NAOC): FAST pulsar results

Zoltan Haiman (Columbia): Gravitational waves

Jim Hinton (MPIK):  High-energy Gamma rays

Kunihito Ioka (Yukawa): GRB/FRB

Pawan Kumar (UT Austin): FRBs

Yuri Levin (Columbia): Neutron Star Interior Dynamics

Di Li (NAOC):  FAST FRB results

Xin Liu (UIUC):  Binary SMBHs EM search

Ue-Li Pen (CITA):  FRBs

Sasha Philippov (Maryland): Pulsars and plasma astrophysics

Tsvi Piran  (Hebrew U): TDEs

Yongzhong Qian (Minnesota): Supernova neutrinos

Robert Quimby (San Diego): Superluminous supernovae

Sanjay Reddy (INT): Neutron star EOS constraints

Bart Ripperda (Princeton/CITA):  Plasma processes in BH accretion

Youichi Sakawa (Osaka): Laboratory plasma astro

Johan Samsing (NBI):  GW sources

Mario Santos (UWC): LLS/cosmology

Yue Shen (IUUC): AGN accretion and variabilities

Daniel Siegel (Greifswald) :  NS merger ejecta & kiloNova

Sherry Suyu (Munich): Gravitational Lensing

Masahiro Takada (IPMU): Cosmology

Tomonori Totani (Tokyo): FRB topics

Elenora Troja (Rome):  GRBs

Dimitri Uzdensky (Colorado):  Plasma astro

Joeri van Leeuwen (Amsterdam): Radio transients

Eli Waxman (Weizmann Inst): Transients & particle astrophysics

Yvonne Wong (UNSW): Cosmology

Haojing Yan (Missouri): JWST results

Huan Yang (Guelph/Perimeter):  GW topics

Feng Yuan (SHAO):  BH Accretion 

Barak Zackay (Weizmann Inst): GW data analysis/implications

Bing Zhang (UNLV): FRBs/Transients

Shuang-Nan Zhang (IHEP):  Insight-HXMT accreting compact objects results