[2025-01-18] For better promotion of the events, the categories in this system will be adjusted. For details, please refer to the announcement of this system. The link is https://indico-tdli.sjtu.edu.cn/news/1-warm-reminder-on-adjusting-indico-tdli-categories-indico

11–15 Dec 2023
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

8. Gravitational Lensing


    In the past two decades we have witnessed tremendous progress in the field of gravitational lensing, in both the weak and strong regimes. Cosmic shear has emerged as a prime cosmological probe, strong lenses have provided unique insight on the distribution of dark matter on galaxy and cluster scales, and time-delay measurements have enabled the measurement of the late-time expansion rate of the Universe. Yet, the field is about to be revolutionized by the advent of new surveys and facilities. Stage IV cosmology experiments will provide weak lensing data of unprecedented quantity and quality, while new photometric and spectroscopic surveys will increase the number of known strong lenses by orders of magnitude. It will be possible to study new classes of lensed sources. This wealth of data will also enable the study of new classes of lensed sources such as supernovae, fast radio bursts and gravitational waves, opening up new possibilities for discovery. With this mini-symposium we aim to bring together experts in all regimes of gravitational lensing, to anticipate the opportunities and challenges that this field will face in the coming years.

Invited speakers:

  • Sherry Suyu (MPA)
  • Kai Liao (Wuhan University)
  • Richard Massey (Durham University)
  • Liang Dai (UC Berkeley)
  • Zuhui Fan (Yunnan University/SWIFAR)
  • Shude Mao (Tsinghua University)
  • Jenny Wagner (Bahamas Advanced Studies Institute and Conferences)

Tentative Program:

Tuesday Afternoon:
20+5: Sherry Suyu (Cosmology with Strongly Lensed Supernovae)
20+5: Jenny Wagner (From cosmic lasagna to space-time spaghetti -- obtaining the least-model-dependent strong gravitational lensing probe)
12+3: Yinze Ma (The “Missing baryons” in the cosmic web—what is it? Where is it? How much?)
12+3: Torben Christian Frost (Comparing Characteristic Gravitational Lensing Features in Black Hole Spacetimes of the Plebanski-Demianski Class)
12+3: Xinyi Lin (Detecting Strong Gravitational Lensing of Gravitational Waves with TianQin)

Thursday Afternoon:
20+5: Shude Mao (Extrasolar planets with gravitational microlensing)
20+5: Liang Dai (Highly Magnified Extragalactic Stars)
20+5: Kai Liao (Strongly Lensed Transient Sources)
12+3: Fabo Feng (PEXO: A Global Modeling Framework for Nanosecond Timing, Microarcsecond Astrometry, and μm/s Radial Velocities)

Friday Morning:
20+5: Richard Massey (SuperBIT balloon-borne telescope)
20+5: Zuhui Fan (Weak lensing cosmology beyond two-point shear correlations)
12+3: Yu Yu (Seeking Lensing Effects from Counting Galaxies)
12+3: Ji Yao (Towards precision cosmology ---- systematics removal with Stage III data)
12+3: Zhenjie Liu (Quasi-2D Weak Lensing Cosmological Constraints Using the PDF-SYM method)

Abstract submission:

The deadlines for abstract submission and registration are the same as the general symposium, and can be found in texasinshanghai.org .

Mini-symposium Conceners:

Alessandro Sonnenfeld (SJTU), Jun Zhang (SJTU), Pengjie Zhang (SJTU, TDLI)