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11–15 Dec 2023
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The Scale Invariant Vacuum Paradigm: Main Results and the Current BBNS Progress

15 Dec 2023, 10:00
Hall # 9

Hall # 9

Contributed talk in mini symposium Cosmology with large-scale structure


Dr Vesselin Gueorguiev (Institute for Advanced Physical Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria and The Ronin Institute for Independent Scholars, NJ, USA)


The talk will present a summery of the main results within the Scale Invariant Vacuum (SIV) paradigm as related to the Weyl Integrable Geometry (WIG) as an extension to the standard Einstein General Relativity (EGR). After a short sketch of the mathematical framework, the main results until 2023 [1] will be highlighted in relation to: the inflation within the SIV [2], the growth of the density fluctuations [3], the application of the SIV to scale-invariant dynamics of galaxies, MOND, dark matter, and the dwarf spheroidals [4], as well as MOND as a peculiar case of the SIV theory [5], along with the most recent results on the BBNS light-elements’ abundances within the SIV [6].
Keywords: cosmology: theory, dark matter, dark energy, inflation, BBNS; galaxies: formation, rotation; Weyl integrable geometry; Dirac co-calculus.
[1] Gueorguiev, V. G., and Maeder, A., The Scale Invariant Vacuum Paradigm: Main Results and Current Progress. Universe 2022, 8(4), 213; DOI: 10.3390/universe8040213; arXiv: 2202.08412 [gr-qc].
[2] Maeder, A. and Gueorguiev, V. G., Scale invariance, horizons, and inflation. MNRAS 504, 4005 (2021). arXiv: 2104.09314 [gr-qc].
[3] Maeder, A. and Gueorguiev, V., G., The growth of the density fluctuations in the scale-invariant vacuum theory, Phys. Dark Univ. 25, 100315 (2019). arXiv: 1811.03495 [astro-ph.CO].
[4] Maeder, A. and Gueorguiev, V.G. Scale-invariant dynamics of galaxies, MOND, dark matter, and the dwarf spheroidals, MNRAS 492, 2698 (2019). arXiv: 2001.04978 [gr-qc].
[5] Maeder, A. MOND as a peculiar case of the SIV theory, MNRAS 520, 1447 (2023); arXiv: 2302.06206 [gr-qc]; [6] V. G. Gueorguiev and A. Maeder, Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis within the Scale Invariant Vacuum Paradigm, arXiv: 2307.04269 [nucl-th].

Primary author

Dr Vesselin Gueorguiev (Institute for Advanced Physical Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria and The Ronin Institute for Independent Scholars, NJ, USA)


Prof. Andre Maeder (Geneva Observatory, University of Geneva)

Presentation materials

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