Low angular momentum flows around black holes are likely to form standing shocks during the accretion processes. The shocks possibly encounter instabilities leading to various observational signatures associated with inflows and outflows. In our work, we address a range of issues like flaring in under-luminous Sgr A* with supermassive black hole and outflow properties in super-accretors like SS 433 and ultraluminous X-ray sources with stellar-mass black holes.
T. Okuda , C.B. Singh, R. Aktar, 2023, MNRAS, 522, 1814.
T. Okuda , C.B. Singh C.B., R. Aktar, 2022, MNRAS, 514, 5074.
C.B. Singh, T. Okuda, R. Aktar, 2021, RAA, 21, 134.
T. Okuda, C.B. Singh, 2021, MNRAS, 503, 586.