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11–15 Dec 2023
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Physical Analysis of Rastall PFRF Black Hole Through Accretion Process

12 Dec 2023, 17:25
Hall # 10

Hall # 10


Ghulam Abbas (National Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China)


The adiabatic accretion onto the charged black hole surrounded by
perfect fluid radiation field (PFRF) in Rastall gravity is addressed
in this manuscript. For this purpose, mass accretion rate \dot{M},
critical horizon radius and some other flow parameters are being
determined in the presence of polytropic fluid. Overall the process
is being done analytically. The location of critical points,
polytropic gas compression ratios and temperature profiles are also
being investigated for different versions of polytropic equation of
state. We also give the comparison of the location of critical
points with case of Schwarzschild black hole in which critical
points lies out side the horizon. Through above scenario, it is
found that charge Q and Rastall parameter N_{r} have deep
effects on the accretion process. It is also mentioned here that
under some constraints on parameters, our results reduce to
Schwarzschild and charged black holes results.

Primary author

Ghulam Abbas (National Astronomical Observatory Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China)

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