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11–15 Dec 2023
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Quasi-2D Weak Lensing Cosmological Constraints Using the PDF-SYM method

15 Dec 2023, 12:10
Hall # 8

Hall # 8

Contributed talk in mini symposium Gravitational Lensing


Zhenjie Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


Cosmic shear statistics, such as the two-point correlation function (2PCF), can be evaluated with the PDF-SYM method instead of the traditional weighted-sum approach. It makes use of the full PDF information of the shear estimators, and does not require weightings on the shear estimators, which can in principle introduce additional systematic biases. This work presents our constraints on S_8 and \Omega_m from the shear-shear correlations using the PDF-SYM method. The data we use is from the z-band images of the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey (DECaLS), which covers about 10000 deg^2 with more than 100 million galaxies. The shear catalog is produced by the FQ method, and well tested on the real data itself with the field-distortion effect. Our main approach is called quasi-2D as we do use the photo-z information of each individual galaxy, but without dividing the galaxies into redshift bins. We mainly use galaxy pairs within the redshift interval between 0.2 and 1.3, and the angular range from 4.7 to 180 arcmin. Our analysis yields S_8=0.762 \pm 0.026 and \Omega_m=0.234 \pm 0.075, with the baryon effects and the intrinsic alignments included. The results are robust against redshift uncertainties. We check the consistency of our results by deriving the cosmological constaints from auto-correlations of \gamma_1 and \gamma_2 separately, and find that they are consistent with each other, but the constraints from the \gamma_1 component is much weaker than that from \gamma_2. It implies a much worse data quality of \gamma_1, which is likely due to additional shear uncertainties caused by CCD electronics (according to the survey strategy of DECaLS). We also perform a pure 2D analysis, which gives S_8=0.81^{+0.03}_{-0.04} and \Omega_m=0.25^{+0.06}_{-0.05}. Our findings demonstrate the potential of the PDF-SYM method for precision cosmology.

Primary author

Zhenjie Liu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Presentation materials